Friday, January 31, 2014

Saturday February 1

A lot more PR's tonight.  Huge jumps from Lisa W, Pete, and Ari.  So far we've 1 rep'd:
Back Squat, Shoulder Press, Deadlift, Clean, & Bench Press.
If you've missed any, try and make sure to hit them the next time they come around.  

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-up

Movement Demo
2 Snatch Balance
*Start @ 60% Snatch and work up

5 rnds:
21 Thrusters (75/55)
21 Double Unders

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday January 31 "Max Effort Bench Press"

Results from Partner Morrison.  Great job Jess Kelly going at it solo and Rx'd!

Warm Up
Group Dynamic

Bench Press (5@50, 5@60, 3@70, 3@80, 1@90, 1@MAX)

5 rnds for Max Reps:
Body Weight Bench Press
*rest as needed between rnds
*score is total reps

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thursday January 30

Some HUGE PR's tonight!  Congrats to Lisa and Ari getting their #'s in the 300's.  

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-up

Movement Demo
Wallball Work

Box Jumps
KB Swings (55/35)
*Partner optional
U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, Ohio, assigned to 584th Mobility Augmentation Company, 20th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, based out of Fort Hood, Texas, died on September 26, 2010, from injuries suffered on September 25 when insurgents in Kandahar, Afghanistan attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his father Donald, mother Susan, brother Gary, and sister Katie.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wednesday January 29 "Max Deadlift"

Warm Up
Group Dynamic
5 x 3 Explosive Knee Height Box Jumps

Deadlift (5@50, 5@60, 3@70, 3@80, 1@90, 1@MAX)

5 rnds for time:
5 Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Burpees

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tuesday January 28

Another night with many PR's.  Jason and Willard threw around some crazy weight with ease and some of our 6:30 ladies (Christa, Cait, Em, and Cari) saw some new PR's.  Keep up the good work!

Here is an excerpt from a Breaking Muscle article by Danette Rivera about signing up for the CrossFit Open

Four Reasons Every CrossFitter Should Participate in the CrossFit Games Open

1. Yes, You Are Good Enough.

Even if you cannot do the exact prescribed weight of any or most of the Open workouts, you will most likely surprise yourself with what you are able to pull off. The Open is about calling on the best in yourself no matter your current level. Most likely you are physically stronger than your mind lets you believe. Two seasons ago, during my first Open, I had never done any CrossFit workout as prescribed (Rx) - ever. The first workout of the Open 2011 was the first achieved at Rx and it put me on cloud nine. I wasn’t able to do any other 2011 workout as prescribed, but it didn’t matter. Possibility had already been born.

2. It Gets You Competing Again.

Many of us competed as kids whether on an organized team or just racing siblings to the car. Some of you may have competed in college.When we become adults, we often feel like we need to retire that side of us. Sure, we compete for jobs and accounts and other “grown up” things, but more often than not, we have forgotten the thrill of physical competition. We may not be a win-at-all cost type - and this certainly is not the only kind of competitor - but there is something about putting yourself on the line that sparks inspiration.

I remember feeling so nervous and unsure before my first heat of the 2012 Open - asking myself, “What the hell am I thinking doing this?” I was confused by how fearful I felt because as an adult we shouldn’t be that terrified, right? Doesn’t this mean it’s time to bail? We didn’t grow up so we could fail at things, but what I eventually realized is that we did feel this nervous as kids before competition, we just didn’t recognize that the stakes were so high. As adults, we suddenly believe that we are not allowed to fail at anything especially things that are supposed to be fun, so we avoid the risk of putting ourselves out there. Without that risk, we might not experience the biggest thrills. The 2012 Open ended up being some of the most memorable moments of my adult life. Get in the game. It’s worth it.

3. It Gives You an Appreciation for the Best of the Best.

During the Open workouts, you get a rare opportunity to do the same exact workouts during the same week as the best CrossFitters in the world. If you are a fan of the top CrossFit athletes, it’s exciting to match your stats to theirs - until the stats start rolling in. It’s one thing to be stoked you finally hit fifty double unders in a row and quite another to find out that not only can the top athletes do way more, they have figured out ways to do it faster and more efficiently. Yay, we personally smashed a prescribed workout (chest thumping ensues), until you see the times or the number of rounds at the top of the leader board. The progression of the sport of fitness has grown to superhuman levels. Seeing their scores miles above mine only deepens my appreciation for their dedication, skill, and strength. I humbly bow down to their greatness.

4. It’s Fun.

No, really, it is. At our gym, we dedicate every Saturday afternoon to the Open workouts for all registered members. We assign heats, we print score sheets, we assign counters - we make it a big deal. But we also keep it fun. We chant unintelligible songs and we dance goofy, choreographed dances. It immediately bonds us because it feels like we’re going to battle together in a light hearted way. We’re all nervous, but when we put our hands in the circle and yell at the top of our lungs, it is our buy-in to the team. It roots us deeper into our community. I know they’re willing to give it their all and possibly fail or possibly triumph and man, if they are, so am I.

You’ll never know if what I’m writing is true unless you’re willing to throw your name up on that leader board, too, and go for it. Be open to exploring the best you have to offer right now, in this moment. More often than not, you’ll surprise yourself. And there’s no time like the present to find out. There is still time to
register for the games here.

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-up

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes perform 2 Hang Power Snatch @ 55% 1 rm

Complete 4, 5 min AMRAP's:
3 Burpees
6 Push Press (75/50) *if available use 35/25 KB in each hand
9 Wallballs
Rest 1 minute between rounds
*Resume work where leaving off
*Only 1 person works at a time, 2nd person begins work after 1 round is complete, and so on
(1 rnd = 18 reps)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday January 27 "Max Effort Squat Clean"

Warm Up
Group Dynamic

Squat Clean (5@50, 3@60, 3@70, 1@80, 1@90, 1@MAX)
Do no more than 6 will be able to Clean again.  Additionally, there will be a second time through all the lifts so you will have adequate opportunities to get that number as high as possible

"Polish Sledgehammer"
Power Clean (135/95)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Saturday January 25 "Max Effort Shoulder Press"

Warm Up
Group Dynamic
Shoulder Mobility

Shoulder Press (5@50, 3@60, 3@70, 1@80, 1@90, 1@MAX)
Do no more than 6 will be able to Press again.  Additionally, there will be a second time through all the lifts so you will have adequate opportunities to get that number as high as possible

With a continuously running clock perform:
10 yards in the 1st min
20 yards in the 2nd min
30 yards in the 3rd min
Continue this as long as you are able
*Goal should be 17+

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday January 24

Results from 1/23 - 1 rm Back Squat
There were some great PR's tonight, especially Kyle & Kevin with 30 lb jumps, Kirk with a 40 lb PR, and Lisa G with a 60 lb PR.

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-up

Movement Demo

For Time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats

Intermediate = banded pull-ups/push-ups
Beginner = Half Angie

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thursday January 23 - Max Out Cycle Begins!

Max out Cycle
Thursday begins our cycle to test our current max effort lifts.  These efforts will set us up for the next phase of Wendler in a few weeks.  If you should happen to miss a lift these next few weeks, please do your best to make it up another day, or come in on Sunday.  

A few points to remember when maxing out:
  • Use your Percentage Chart religiously – it is here to aid you and take out the guess work
  • As you get closer to your max, start making smaller jumps in weight (5-10 lbs)
  • Rest at least 1 min between sets and 2 to 3 minutes between max attempts
  • Focus on a perfect set-up for each lift
  • BREATHE – take a big breath and hold it for the lift.  This will help you get a tighter set-up and maintain core stability.  Exhale when you are exerting the effort and completing the lift
  • Don’t be scared (this is especially for our ladies and those new to lifting) -“Strong is the new skinny,” so get on the bar and lift…you will like it, especially when you can out-lift the men in your life.  In the world of weightlifting, a double bodyweight deadlift is the Louis Vuitton of weightlifting.  Just ask Ang!
  • To give you an idea of the lifts coming up: 
    • 1/23 - Squat
    • 1/25 - Shoulder Press
    • 1/27 - Squat Clean
    • 1/29 - Deadlift
    • 1/31 - Front Squat
  • Again, if you miss one, try and make it up, and DO NOT CHERRY PICK!
Warm Up
Group Dynamic
5 Box Jumps (build each jump)

Back Squat (5@50, 5@60, 5@70, 3@80, 1@90, 1@MAX)
Do no more than 6 will be able to Back Squat again.  Additionally, there will be a second time through all the lifts so you will have adequate opportunities to get that number as high as possible

1 Squat Clean (205/140)
2 Squat Clean
and so on....
rest 2 mins
1 Squat Clean (155/105)
2 Squat Clean
and so on....
*score is total reps performed for each AMRAP

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wednesday January 22

Here is an excerpt from a Breaking Muscle article by Danette Rivera about signing up for the CrossFit Open

Four Reasons Every CrossFitter Should Participate in the CrossFit Games Open

1. Yes, You Are Good Enough.

Even if you cannot do the exact prescribed weight of any or most of the Open workouts, you will most likely surprise yourself with what you are able to pull off. The Open is about calling on the best in yourself no matter your current level. Most likely you are physically stronger than your mind lets you believe. Two seasons ago, during my first Open, I had never done any CrossFit workout as prescribed (Rx) - ever. The first workout of the Open 2011 was the first achieved at Rx and it put me on cloud nine. I wasn’t able to do any other 2011 workout as prescribed, but it didn’t matter. Possibility had already been born.

2. It Gets You Competing Again.

Many of us competed as kids whether on an organized team or just racing siblings to the car. Some of you may have competed in college.When we become adults, we often feel like we need to retire that side of us. Sure, we compete for jobs and accounts and other “grown up” things, but more often than not, we have forgotten the thrill of physical competition. We may not be a win-at-all cost type - and this certainly is not the only kind of competitor - but there is something about putting yourself on the line that sparks inspiration.

I remember feeling so nervous and unsure before my first heat of the 2012 Open - asking myself, “What the hell am I thinking doing this?” I was confused by how fearful I felt because as an adult we shouldn’t be that terrified, right? Doesn’t this mean it’s time to bail? We didn’t grow up so we could fail at things, but what I eventually realized is that we did feel this nervous as kids before competition, we just didn’t recognize that the stakes were so high. As adults, we suddenly believe that we are not allowed to fail at anything especially things that are supposed to be fun, so we avoid the risk of putting ourselves out there. Without that risk, we might not experience the biggest thrills. The 2012 Open ended up being some of the most memorable moments of my adult life. Get in the game. It’s worth it.

3. It Gives You an Appreciation for the Best of the Best.

During the Open workouts, you get a rare opportunity to do the same exact workouts during the same week as the best CrossFitters in the world. If you are a fan of the top CrossFit athletes, it’s exciting to match your stats to theirs - until the stats start rolling in. It’s one thing to be stoked you finally hit fifty double unders in a row and quite another to find out that not only can the top athletes do way more, they have figured out ways to do it faster and more efficiently. Yay, we personally smashed a prescribed workout (chest thumping ensues), until you see the times or the number of rounds at the top of the leader board. The progression of the sport of fitness has grown to superhuman levels. Seeing their scores miles above mine only deepens my appreciation for their dedication, skill, and strength. I humbly bow down to their greatness.

4. It’s Fun.

No, really, it is. At our gym, we dedicate every Saturday afternoon to the Open workouts for all registered members. We assign heats, we print score sheets, we assign counters - we make it a big deal. But we also keep it fun. We chant unintelligible songs and we dance goofy, choreographed dances. It immediately bonds us because it feels like we’re going to battle together in a light hearted way. We’re all nervous, but when we put our hands in the circle and yell at the top of our lungs, it is our buy-in to the team. It roots us deeper into our community. I know they’re willing to give it their all and possibly fail or possibly triumph and man, if they are, so am I.

You’ll never know if what I’m writing is true unless you’re willing to throw your name up on that leader board, too, and go for it. Be open to exploring the best you have to offer right now, in this moment. More often than not, you’ll surprise yourself. And there’s no time like the present to find out. There is still time to
register for the games here.

Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-up

Movement Demo
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes perform 
1 Hang Power Clean - 1 Hang Squat Clean - 1 Squat Clean

5 rnds for time:
6 Muscle-ups
12 Push Press
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 mins between rnds

A - 135/95
B - 115/75
C - 95/65
D - 75/45

The sub for Muscle-ups today will be 12 Push-ups and 12 Dips